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and today
I'm am going to be talking about this terms PBL. So far we have be talking about discrimination
I have learnt about sexism and human rights. For PBL this term our big driving question is How can we speak up against discrimination. I like our big question this term

help. My idea for PBL is to do a pod cast with Tamera and the top we are not shore. On the 30.4.19 Tuesday we learnt about Sexism. First what the teachers did was they said to the boys that they where aloud to sit on a chair and the girls had to sit on the ground but then the girls got 5 extra mins of play after morning to we did work and then it was time to go to play the year 8's had to say in and get there work cheek and the year 7's got to go to lunch after lunch the people with blue eyes had to sand at the back with there hands on there hips.
Have you been discriminate?
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