
Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Narrative Novel Planning!

Hi guys welcome back to my blog this week I am going to be talking to you about my Narrative novel planning . So this week I had to fill out a template on writing and when we have fill it out we have to make a story bast on what we put on the template.
My story is going to be about a high school boy and girl, mum, dad and grandma and grandpa and the kids and mum and dad go visited grandma & grandpa for the holidays because grandma is very sick because she has a bad bug and grandpa is very sad about it all and they live in Rio de janeiro and when they are there they find that there is a lot of pollution  in the sea and there are lots of sea animals dyeing.
If you what to here more on the story here is my plan.

So I hope you like my plan and my story that I will be writing
Do you like writing?
But that is all for this week's blog good

Friday, August 16, 2019

Reading Task!

Hi guys welcome back to my blog this week I am going to be talking to you about my reading task for week 4 term 3. So I my reading workshop have been reading a book called sinking it is about a boy that likes swimming and a girl called bex that is staying with her grandpa because her grandma past away but I will not spoil the book if you read this book. So we got a template that said In the text it says... and a another one says I think this means... and the last box says I think this event will have implications throughout the novel because...
This is a better look at it if you where interested

So that is all for this week I hope you like my blog.

Do you like reading?
& if you do what book are you reading

Thursday, August 15, 2019

My Goals For This Term ( Term 3 )

Hi guys welcome back to my blog this week I am going to be talking to you about my goals for this term ( Term 3 ) So this term I have got some new goals that I want to shear with you so i have made a list of them to shear with you.
Image result for Goals
My Goals
  • My maths like division 
  • Getting to workshops on time
  •  Shearing my ideas when I have one
  • Getting work done on time

So that is a few goals I am going to be working on for term 3 I hope you like them but that is all for  this week I hope you liked my blog.                     
What goals do you have for this term?
Do you like having goals?


Monday, August 12, 2019


Hi guys welcome back to my blog this week I am going to be talking to you about science.
So every Tuesday after noon we get into our class and we learn about science the thing we have learn about is - Water Safety and what we did is we got a placket bag and worm water and we put the worm water in the bag and then we closed the bag and tapped it to the window and then we waited and then we started to see water dropping from the top of the bag. Physics experiment  and what we did is we made a bridge and had to see if it would hold a lot of things we got Popsicle sticks, tap and blue tack. Next we did States of matter what we had to do was get room temperature water, a beaker and an ice cube we put room temp water in the beaker and then put the ice cube in it and the we waited we sore that the ice cube melted because ice melts in heat. This is some more info on the States of matter. 

Have you done any of the science thing i did?
Do you like science?
Well that is all for today good BYE!

Friday, August 9, 2019

My Online Stanford Maths Course

Hi guys welcome back to my blogs this week i am going to be talking to you about the Online Stanford maths course. There was 6 lesions that we did i will be telling you what they where about. 

lesions 1-Knocking Down the Myths About Maths, this is what i thought, I think that not a lot of people like  maths but there are the odd ones that do. I think people don't like maths because it is to hard and they  feel like they need to give up and that the maths is impossible but if you keep trying they can do it. Also that people think that  boys have to like blue and puzzles and trucks and that girls have to like pink and dolls but really they can like the same thing and to like what you like and to not care what others think.

lesions 2-
Maths and Mindsets,this is what i thought, I learnt that if you are being called smart and then you are given the choice of a hard maths question and a easy question you will pick the easy one because you think you don't need hard questions and that maybe you might be scared that  if you choice the hard one you might get the answer wrong people might stop calling you smart. I also learnt that maybe they think that sines they are so smart that they don't need to do hard maths anymore and that they are so smart .

lesions 3-
Mistakes and speed,this is what i thought, i think that it is good to make mistake because when you make mistake you learn from them and that anything is possible if you just believe in your self. I also think that it is portioned to make mistakes because that is what makes you learn and it make your brain grow.  

lesions 4-
Number Flexibility, Mathematical Reasoning, and Connections,this is what i thought,I think they did well when they where in a group because they can all learn of each other and they can help each other when they get stuck in maths.I think they are important because they will help you learn and the more you learn the more you grow and the more you grow the bigger your brain gets and the bigger your brain gets the better you are at maths so i think the maths is important. So i think you should always ask for help if you need it because it you just sit doing nothing you are not going to learn.

lesions 5-
Number Patterns and Representations,this is what i thought,I learnt that you need to take your time when doing maths and that it is good to do maths with others because you can learn of them and they can learn of you.

lesions 6-
Maths in Life, Nature and Work,this is what i thought, I learnt that there are maths in every day life.

Have you done the Stanford Online Maths Course? 
Do you like maths?

That is all for today i hope you like my blog good 

Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Reading Create Task

Hi guys welcome back to my blog this week i am going to be talking to you about my reading create task that we did. The create was where we had to write what the author says and the next to it we had to do what i visualise. So basically I read a book then took parts of the book and put it the side that says what the author says and then i had to draw a pitcher that copped the writing that was on the opposite side 
this is what it looked like at the end ➡    

have you done this before?
That is all for this week i hope you like my blog.

Friday, August 2, 2019

Create task

Hi guys welcome back to my blog this week I am going to be talking to you about my reading task on digital robots. So this is what I have done for reading I went onto piktochart and made a poster that has 3 main points on the book the authors purpose and a little more this is what it looks like in the end.

Have you read a book on robots before?

Well that is all for today i hope you like my blog post this week bye!