Hi today I am going to be talking to you about my poem that I have been writing. So this week from writing the teachers told us that we had to write a poem about anything so I decided that I would to it about me. The poem had to be a certain type of poem and the option they where Haiku, limerick, Using Comparisons in Poetry and Cinquain and I did the Haiku.
So here is my poem if you are interested on reading it.
So I hope you like my blog today good
Do you like writing poems?
Have you wrote a poem before?
I was a pupil at St Francis of Assisi School and this blog is where I shared my learning.This blog has been archived, no further content will be uploaded or added. You are welcome to continue viewing posts, however commenting has been disabled.
Thursday, November 28, 2019
Top Team
Today I am going to be talking to you about Top Team. So at school on Friday there where a group of people that came to school and played a lot of games with us like one where you had to try make the biggest tower with out it fulling and one where you had to get a bucket of water and pass it to the person next to you but you are sitting backwards and so you can't see the person. I liked have top team at our school because there where a lot of activity's for us to do and they where activity's that we have never done before.
So I hope you like my blog post good
Have you had Top Team come to your school before?
So I hope you like my blog post good
Have you had Top Team come to your school before?
Tough Kids
Hi how is your day been?
Today I am going to be talking to you about tough kids. If you don't know what tough kids is it is where you get to dress up in fun clothes and do a run it is 2.7 K and a long the way there are activity's that you have to do like mud craw, water slide and a thing where you run though the ocean but there are way more. I wore a white tutu and a pink T-Shirt and my BFF Tamera wore that same thing. I like the run because first I like running and second I liked doing all the activity's along the way.
So I hope you like my blog post today good
Have you run tough kids before?
Do you like running?
Today I am going to be talking to you about tough kids. If you don't know what tough kids is it is where you get to dress up in fun clothes and do a run it is 2.7 K and a long the way there are activity's that you have to do like mud craw, water slide and a thing where you run though the ocean but there are way more. I wore a white tutu and a pink T-Shirt and my BFF Tamera wore that same thing. I like the run because first I like running and second I liked doing all the activity's along the way.
So I hope you like my blog post today good
Have you run tough kids before?
Do you like running?
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Over the last 4 weeks my hub has been doing 4 sport rotations every Thursday afternoon and the sport that we have been learning are Cricket, Soft Ball, Lawn bowls, KorfBall. I loved play all the sports because all the sports but cricket was new for me. The people that took all the games made the games even funner and help me when I didn't know what to do. My favourite was the Lawn bowls because I like hitting the the ball with the bate even though I mist every time.
So I hope you like my blog for this week good bye!
Have you played Cricket, Soft Ball, Lawn bowls or KorfBal before?
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Information Report
Hello, How are you? Today I will be talking to you about my information report. So over the last few weeks my hub has been writing information report and it had to be about a country. The teachers said that we where not allowed to pick a country we are from so decided that I would do Brazil because there is a lot of interesting things about Brazil.
So if you would like to read my report here it is.
Paragraph 5:
Paragraph 6:
So if you would like to read my report here it is.
Brazil Information Report
Brazil is located in South America and there are there is 214,599,613 million people As of 1 January
2019. In Brazil they speak Portuguese and they also speak English but not that much. The flag in Brazil
has white, blue, yellow and green. It also has 27 stars on the big blue circle. Then it has a sideways
diamond that is yellow and then it has green on the outside of it. In Brazil the temprecher can get up to
around 20 degrees. The capital in Brazil is Rio De Janeiro and Brasilia.
2019. In Brazil they speak Portuguese and they also speak English but not that much. The flag in Brazil
has white, blue, yellow and green. It also has 27 stars on the big blue circle. Then it has a sideways
diamond that is yellow and then it has green on the outside of it. In Brazil the temprecher can get up to
around 20 degrees. The capital in Brazil is Rio De Janeiro and Brasilia.
Paragraph 2:
The carnival in Rio de janeiro is a very big event in Brazil because is only happens every year
around lent. It is special because people dress up in really cool and fun dresses and people have big
vehicles that look really fun and they sing and dance. Brazil has been around for 8000 years and
has been growing for a long time now. Jair Bolsonaro is Brazil's president and he has been president
for 11 mouth’s and he also served in the army for 17 years and left the army in 1988.
around lent. It is special because people dress up in really cool and fun dresses and people have big
vehicles that look really fun and they sing and dance. Brazil has been around for 8000 years and
has been growing for a long time now. Jair Bolsonaro is Brazil's president and he has been president
for 11 mouth’s and he also served in the army for 17 years and left the army in 1988.
Paragraph 3:
They is 123 million Catholics in Brazil which means that half of Brazil is catholic.
Brazil is also one has one of the most catholic people in the world and that there is ⅔ of people in Brazil.
The political parties in Brazil are workers party, Brazilian demographic movement party, social laeral
party, democrats party. The president in Brazil is called Jair Bolsonaro and he has been helping the
country get better for a few months now.
Brazil is also one has one of the most catholic people in the world and that there is ⅔ of people in Brazil.
The political parties in Brazil are workers party, Brazilian demographic movement party, social laeral
party, democrats party. The president in Brazil is called Jair Bolsonaro and he has been helping the
country get better for a few months now.
Paragraph 4:
In Brazil there are a lot of different types of jobs you could do like- Banking, Hospital, Engineer,
Bilder and more. Work in Brazil starts a 8:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm. At school in Brazil they start school at the age of six in elementary and finish at the age of 14 then you would
start high school at the age of 15 to 17 and then you can go to university if you want and in elementary
school and high school they would namely have at least 6 classes in a day . At school they would
normally start school at 7:15 am and then it would end at 1:00 pm. The children have 200 days
at school a year and have they holiday in December and January.
Bilder and more. Work in Brazil starts a 8:00 am and ends at 6:00 pm. At school in Brazil they start school at the age of six in elementary and finish at the age of 14 then you would
start high school at the age of 15 to 17 and then you can go to university if you want and in elementary
school and high school they would namely have at least 6 classes in a day . At school they would
normally start school at 7:15 am and then it would end at 1:00 pm. The children have 200 days
at school a year and have they holiday in December and January.
Paragraph 5:
In Brazil they love they have lots of types of food like: Barbecued meat, Prawn stew,
Caipirinhas with pineapple, Brazilian chocolate truffles - brigadeiro, Brazilian cheese bread -
pão de queijo, Brazilian pork stew with corn dumpling. In Brazil there are many different sites to see
but one of the most popular attractions are Cristo Redentor ( Rio de, Janeiro), Carnival
( Rio de Janeiro), Iguaçu Falls, Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro), Amazon rain forest, Sugar Loaf,
Rio de Janeiro and more. There are also a lot so things to do like dip dip, Pipa beach.
Caipirinhas with pineapple, Brazilian chocolate truffles - brigadeiro, Brazilian cheese bread -
pão de queijo, Brazilian pork stew with corn dumpling. In Brazil there are many different sites to see
but one of the most popular attractions are Cristo Redentor ( Rio de, Janeiro), Carnival
( Rio de Janeiro), Iguaçu Falls, Copacabana (Rio de Janeiro), Amazon rain forest, Sugar Loaf,
Rio de Janeiro and more. There are also a lot so things to do like dip dip, Pipa beach.
Paragraph 6:
Fun games they play are football, Martial arts, foot volley, Tennis, basketball, Motorsports,
volleyball, rugby and way more. In Brazil the carnival has many types of dances like samba, jango,
carioca funk, bumba meu boi. These dances they also get to dress up in crazy outfits and so does the
crowd. They use a lot of different types of things in there dance like ribben, people, music and more.
volleyball, rugby and way more. In Brazil the carnival has many types of dances like samba, jango,
carioca funk, bumba meu boi. These dances they also get to dress up in crazy outfits and so does the
crowd. They use a lot of different types of things in there dance like ribben, people, music and more.
In conclusion Brazil is one of the biggest countries in the world that has at has 214,599,613 million.
It will still be growing in size every day and there are more people come through to the country to see
all the cool attractions and fun things to do like going to the carnival in Rio or going to pipa beach and
stay there for the day or you could also go to a nice restaurant and get some nice food like Barbecued
meat, Prawn stew, Caipirinhas with pineapple, Brazilian chocolate truffles - brigadeiro, Brazilian cheese
bread - pão de queijo, Brazilian pork stew with corn dumplings.
It will still be growing in size every day and there are more people come through to the country to see
all the cool attractions and fun things to do like going to the carnival in Rio or going to pipa beach and
stay there for the day or you could also go to a nice restaurant and get some nice food like Barbecued
meat, Prawn stew, Caipirinhas with pineapple, Brazilian chocolate truffles - brigadeiro, Brazilian cheese
bread - pão de queijo, Brazilian pork stew with corn dumplings.
So I hope you like my blog for today good
What do you know about Brazil
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Reading Create task
Hello today I am going to be talking to you about my reading create task. So this week I have been reading a book about the sea and then I had to write in a few boxes about the story. So the 4 boxes are what the positive thing what is the bad thing and what is the authors thoughts. And If you see how I don't have any writing on the authors though's it is because I couldn't fine anything for that box.
So here is my reading create task
So It hope you like my blog for today good BYE!
So here is my reading create task
So It hope you like my blog for today good BYE!
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Hello today I am going to be talking to you about my favourite thing about camp. So if you didn't know about my hub going on camp we went on camp in week 3 term 4 to YMCA wainui and stayed there for 3 night and for days. My favourite thing about camp was that we got to hang out with our friends outside of school but still with school. I also liked how we had so many actives to do so we never go bored and because it was something new to try. I like going on the walk to get to the camp site even though it was hard and also like it because we climbed hills and last was the water I like going in the water because it was nice and refreshing and was just fun to play in.
So I hope you all liked my blog post good
Have you been on school camp before?
So I hope you all liked my blog post good
Have you been on school camp before?
Hi guys welcome back to my blog this week I am going to be taking to you about how to make a meringue. Because over the last few weeks our hub as been learning about country's. I got new Zealand so I wanted to make meringues because it is fun and easy to make.
How to make Meringues!
What is a Meringue ? a Meringue is a type of desert that is very sweet and tasty.
2 ½ cups of confectioners’ sugar
1 egg white
Whipped cream
1. Crack an egg in a bowl and making sure that you take out the
egg yolk.
2. Add your sugar in with the egg white
3. Now get your hands in the bowl and mix it ( make sure you mix it well )
4. Get a plate and cover it with a paper towel.
5. Make small little balls with the mixture with your hands and put it on the plate.
6. Only put 3 balls on the plate at a time because the balls expand a lot.
7. Place the plate in the microwave and put a timer on for 1-2 minutes.
8. Once that is done take the plate out the microwave
and let it the meringues sit for 30 seconds.
and let it the meringues sit for 30 seconds.
9. Peel the paper towel of the meringues.
10. Let them sit for another few seconds because the inside on the
meringues will be very hot.
11. Enjoy biting into a nice little sweet to boost your energy. meringues will be very hot.
So I hope you like my blog for this week and that you use my recipe good
Have you made meringues before?
Have you made meringues before?
Monday, November 4, 2019
Camp Refection
Hello, Today i'm going to be talking to you about my camp refection. So here is my refection. For camp we went to the YMCA Wainui camp and we went there for 4 days and 3 nights. So now I will show you my camp refection.
1. What I found challenging at camp.
What was challenging for me was the high ropes because on the course there where for parts and some parts I couldn't reach so it was challenging. I also though that coasterring was challenging because there where rocks that where hard to jump of of and there where sea weed that would grab onto your feet. I also thought that archery was hard because you had to make shore you didn't shoot the arrow into the bush.
2. My favourite thing about camp.
What I thought was my favourite was getting to spend time with my friends out of school. Also I thought that Joining in with all the activity was fun because it was something new that I hadn't tried before. I also like the walk to the camp even though it was hard climbing up hills and playing in the water.
3. What I learnt on camp.
What I learnt was that I was that you can make a fire with paper and Vaseline and some matches. And some more things that I learnt was that where are a lot of leaves that you can eat but then there are a lot of leaves you can't eat.
4. what am great full for.
What I am great full for is that we got to go to camp and also that the teachers made us food and that they help me when I needed it.
So I hope you like my blog for this week good
1. What I found challenging at camp.
What was challenging for me was the high ropes because on the course there where for parts and some parts I couldn't reach so it was challenging. I also though that coasterring was challenging because there where rocks that where hard to jump of of and there where sea weed that would grab onto your feet. I also thought that archery was hard because you had to make shore you didn't shoot the arrow into the bush.
2. My favourite thing about camp.
What I thought was my favourite was getting to spend time with my friends out of school. Also I thought that Joining in with all the activity was fun because it was something new that I hadn't tried before. I also like the walk to the camp even though it was hard climbing up hills and playing in the water.
3. What I learnt on camp.
What I learnt was that I was that you can make a fire with paper and Vaseline and some matches. And some more things that I learnt was that where are a lot of leaves that you can eat but then there are a lot of leaves you can't eat.
4. what am great full for.
What I am great full for is that we got to go to camp and also that the teachers made us food and that they help me when I needed it.
So I hope you like my blog for this week good
Reading Create task

For the 2 task it was about knowledge and here it is- She got bullied because she couldn’t speak English the only word she could say was “ My name is Rez” so when people asked how and you? She would reply and say
“ My name is Rez” and then all the kids around her would laugh at her. But here they don’t encourage bullying and you would get told of and made to say sorry.
For the 3 task it was about discussion and so here it is- Tamera: We are connected to Rez because we all had to start a new school and meet new people, but we didn’t have to learn a whole new language. Beccy: Some other similarities we have with Rez as kids, is that we all enjoy playing with friends, having fun, and we all have awesome plans for the future.
Mia: We all like to laugh and we all go to school and learn together. We also all have a good side and are all happy. Some important things from the story is that Rez did not speak English so when she started school in a new country and school people would bully her because of her not being able to speak English. But when she got older, things started to get better because she got a job at being a layer and a youth adviser for red cross.
And for the last task it was about Identify and so here it is- In the story it says that she was bullied because she couldn’t speak english and so people would bully her. And if she was me I would feel sad and and also feel like I don’t belong. And she was also only 5 and I wouldn’t be able to learn a language in a few days. So I hope you like my blog post for this week good
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